AI is a rapidly expanding subject that is reshaping all facets of our lives, including healthcare,
transportation, and finance. At its heart, artificial intelligence (AI) is a collection of technologies that enable machines to perform jobs that were formerly thought to be exclusively human, such as identifying patterns, making decisions, and even creating art. AI is ushering in a new era of computing in which robots can learn from data, improve over time, and automate complicated activities.
In contrast, cryptocurrencies are a new type of decentralized digital currency, meaning a central authority does not govern them. They are instead built on a blockchain, a distributed ledger that records all transactions. By providing an alternative means of exchange, store of value, and investment vehicle, cryptocurrencies have the potential to destabilize established financial systems.
AI and Cryptocurrency Intersection
In both technologies, AI and cryptocurrency interact with the data function. AI is dependent on data.
The more data a machine learning system has, the better it can learn and predict. In contrast, cryptocurrencies are founded on the concept of a transparent and secure ledger, which records all transactions and assures that the data cannot be manipulated.